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Pile Cloth Disk Filtration Systems
BEACON manufactures proven, long-lasting GDisk® pile cloth disk filtration technology for wastewater, wet weather, industrial, and potable water treatment.

GDisk® Advantage
Fully-submerged vertical disks with outside-in flow enables increased flow rates, high solids loading, and small footprint. Static operation requiring power only for backwash minimizes maintenance and electrical costs. Beacon selects from three GDisk® pile cloth nominal filtration ratings according to the influent characteristics and effluent requirements. Manageable, reasonably-sized disk segments provide for ease of replacement.
How GDisk® Filters Work
Influent water filters through the GDisk® pile cloth, passes from the disk interior to the center tube, and out over an effluent weir. As solids are captured within the pile, GDisk® automatically backwashes at a set water level or timed interval. Solids are wasted via the patented GDisk® backwash manifold or tank bottom sludge collector.
Since 2009, GDisk® Pile Cloth Disk Filters reliably remove solids over a broad range of particle sizes and increased hydraulic or solids loading. Turbidity and concentrations of suspended solids, phosphorus, and other contaminants are all efficiently reduced by GDisk®. Numerous applications include tertiary, industrial, wet weather, and primary treatment, as well as for phosphorus removal and water reuse.
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